Identifiers in Java are simply the names you use for things like variables, methods, and classes. They help make your code more understandable by giving meaningful names to different parts of your program.
Identifiers in Java
What are identifiers in Java?
Identifiers are the names given by the programmers which is used to identify variables, methods, classes, or objects in Java programs. They are user-defined and must follow specific rules to ensure compatibility with the Java compiler.
Characteristics of identifiers in Java
- User-defined: unlike keywords, identifiers are names created by the programmer.
- Unique: identifiers must be unique within their space.
- Case sensitive: identifiers are sensitive. For example, MyVar and myvar are treated as different identifiers.
Rules for naming identifiers
- Identify should not contain special symbols, except ( $ ) and ( _ ).
- Allowed characters: identifiers can include letters (A-Z, a-z), digits(0-9), underscore( _ ), and dollar sign ( $ ).
- Cannot start with a digit: identifiers must begin with a letter, underscore, or dollar sign.
- No spaces: identifiers cannot contain spaces.
- Cannot be a keyword: keywords cannot be used as identifiers.
- Identifiers can be Alpha-Numeric or Alphabetic.
Examples of valid and invalid identifiers in Java
Identifier | Validity | Reason |
myVar | Valid | Follows all naming rules. |
_temp | Valid | Starts with an underscore. |
$value | Valid | Starts with a dollar sign. |
1variable | Invalid | Starts with a digit. |
class | Invalid | class is a keyword. |
my var | Invalid | Contains a space. |
Identifiers in Java Program
Identifiers in Variables
int age = 25;
String name = “John";
Here, age and name are identifiers for the variables that store an integer and a string.
Identifiers in Methods
public void calculateSum() {
int num1 = 10;
int num2 = 20;
System.out.println(num1 + num2);
- calculateSum is the identifier for the method.
- num1 and num2 are identifiers for the local variables.
Identifiers in Classes
public class Person {
private String name;
private int age;
public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
public void displayInfo() {
System.out.println("Name: " + name + ", Age: " + age);
- Person is the identifier for the class.
- name and age are identifiers for the instance variables.
- displayInfo is the identifier for the method.
3 Proven Best Practices for naming identifiers in Java
- Be Descriptive:
- Use meaningful names that describe the purpose of the variable or method. For example, totalAmount is better than a random name like x.
- Follow Naming Conventions:
- Use camelCase for variable and method names like totalAmount or calculateSum. Use PascalCase for class names like Person.
- Avoid lengthy names:
- Keep names, concise, but descriptive, such as tempValue instead of temporaryValueForCalculation.
Real-World Examples of Good and Bad Names
Let’s look at an example For a School Grade System:
- Good Names:
- studentName
- mathScore
- isPassing
- calculateFinalGrade
- Bad Names:
- x
- thing1
- doit
- thisisastudentgrade
- Identifiers are the building blocks of any Java program.
- They provide a way to name and reference different program elements, making the code more organized and readable.
- Following the rules and best practices for naming identifiers ensures that your programs are easy to understand and maintain.
Must Read
Here are some related articles you should check out:
Keywords in Java
Learn about the reserved words in Java that form the building blocks of the language.
Structure of Java Program – Java Syntax
Understand how Java programs are organized and written.
Data Types in Java
Explore the different types of data that Java supports.
Variables in Java
Learn how to declare and use variables in your Java programs.
Basics of Programming
A beginner-friendly guide to understanding programming concepts.
What are identifiers in Java?
Identifiers are names used to represent variables, methods, classes, or objects in Java programs. They help make the code readable and meaningful.
What are the rules for naming identifiers?
Identifiers must start with a letter, underscore, or dollar sign, cannot contain spaces, and cannot be a Java keyword. For example, myVar is valid, but 1var is not.
Are identifiers case-sensitive in Java?
Yes, identifiers are case-sensitive. For example, MyVar and myvar are treated as two different identifiers.
Can I use keywords as identifiers?
No, keywords like class, int, or if cannot be used as identifiers because they are reserved words in Java.
What is an example of a valid identifier?
int age = 25;
String name = "John";
Here, age and name are valid identifiers.
Why are meaningful names important for identifiers?
Meaningful names like totalAmount or calculateSum make your code easier to understand and maintain compared to generic names like x or temp.
What is the difference between keywords and identifiers?
Keywords are predefined reserved words in Java, while identifiers are user-defined names for variables, methods, or classes.